Gift Planning

With gift planning, you can provide long-lasting support to Geneseo while enjoying financial benefits for yourself.

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Robert Muller '83 Continues a Tradition of Generosity

Robert Muller '83 Continues a Tradition of Generosity
Robert Muller

For Robert Muller '83, the tradition of generosity he learned as a Geneseo student has translated into a career of service, and a commitment to help Geneseo students for generations to come with a gift through his estate.

"I was privileged to study under the mentorship of Bill Edgar in my studies toward a degree in Philosophy," Robert says. "I owe gratitude to many people who helped me over the years, but Dr. Edgar was special. Eventually, those studies led me to a rewarding career as an attorney helping others, and I want to carry on the tradition of generosity that he showed me. And what better way to do that than making a donation in my estate plan?"

As a member of the Geneseo Foundation Board, Robert also supports the college through his time and talents. "I'm already engaged in helping the College fulfill its mission to inspire students to develop their knowledge and skills to build a better world in a distinctive, equity-centered, public honors college experience," he says. "The opportunity to extend the longevity of my work and the success of that vision by making the College a beneficiary of my estate plan was an exciting idea, and one that I hope many others will consider."

"It's an honor to work with my fellow college alums and the administration who share that same vision and to see the positive impact on students' success in real-time," Robert says. "Regardless of the amount you leave, every contribution will have a direct and positive impact on contributing to a student's success and their chance to build a better world."


We have resources to help you learn more about bequests. Click here to review sample bequest language . You will see how easy it is to include a bequest in your will or trust.

You might find it helpful to print this page and the bequest language. Please feel free to give this information to your attorney. If they have any questions, please contact us .

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