Gift Planning

With gift planning, you can provide long-lasting support to Geneseo while enjoying financial benefits for yourself.


Friday February 7, 2025

Exciting Geneseo alumni events are happening on campus and regionally!
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Thank you for your interest in supporting SUNY Geneseo through The Geneseo Foundation, Inc. Your generosity fosters a spirit of community and commitment, purpose and dedication, and helps shape Geneseo for years to come.
Passing Unequal Shares in Your Will
Personal Planner
Because children often look at their inheritance as a representation of their parents' love, most parents leave...
How to Create an Ethical Will
Savvy Living
Can you write a column on ethical wills and how to make one? The attorney that made up my will recently suggested I...
Timely Tips for End-of-Year Tax Planning
Washington News
In IR 2019-178, the IRS offered tips on preparing for filing tax returns in 2020. With two months left this year, it is...