Gift Planning

With gift planning, you can provide long-lasting support to Geneseo while enjoying financial benefits for yourself.

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Gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure

Gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure
Doug and Stephanie Dickman

Doug '89 and Stephanie '89 Dickman have been supporting Geneseo students with charitable gifts for more than 30 years. Their giving to the college began when they were students and has continued every year since. By including Geneseo as a beneficiary in their wills, they will be leaving a legacy to continue their philanthropic impact for generations to come.

"We felt that including Geneseo in our estate plans seemed like a natural extension of the financial support we have provided over many decades," Doug and Stephanie say. "It is important to us that our legacy be focused on institutions and organizations that we supported with our time, talent and treasure during our lives, and including Geneseo in our estate plans aligned well with that goal."

Adding the college as a beneficiary of their estate plan was easy. "When we updated our will, the process to include Geneseo was simple and straightforward."

The Dickmans chose to designate The Fund for Geneseo in their bequest, offering the maximum flexibility to respond to whatever needs and opportunities may arise decades into the future. "The needs of any institution constantly change over time. The decision to designate our gift to the area of greatest needs enables the college to utilize our gift towards initiatives that are best aligned to their current strategies and goals."

For Doug and Stephanie, the decline in state funding for higher education since they were students makes giving back even more important. "We know that Geneseo simply cannot continue to provide the same educational and cultural experiences that we received without the generous contributions of alumni. Our financial contributions to the college are just one way we choose to give back so that others can benefit from the educational experiences offered by Geneseo."


We have resources to help you learn more about bequests. Click here to review sample bequest language. You will see how easy it is to include a bequest in your will or trust.

You might find it helpful to print this page and the bequest language. Please feel free to give this information to your attorney. If they have any questions, please contact us.

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