Gift Planning

With gift planning, you can provide long-lasting support to Geneseo while enjoying financial benefits for yourself.

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Alumni Couple Elevates Access to Geneseo

Alumni Couple Elevates Access to Geneseo

Geneseo holds a special place in the hearts of Jonna '88 and John '90 Shutowick—and not just because it's where they met. Access to high—quality public education is a top priority for them, so that's why they've included funding for Geneseo scholarships in their estate plans.

"I'm a teacher," Jonna says, "and public education is important to me. Educators are in dire need of public support. All charities are important, but access to knowledge is so important."

Jonna was excited to learn she could establish a scholarship through her estate. "I didn't realize it was an option, and at this stage of my life, a bequest wasn't on my radar. I had been talking about setting up a pledge to establish a scholarship, and I liked that I could also add more funding through an estate gift. That allowed me the opportunity to ensure the scholarship would exist in perpetuity."

A unique provision in the Pay It Forward Scholarship asks recipients to consider giving back to the fund in the future when they are financially able. "We hope we can set an example not just for other donors, but for future generations of alumni to support education."


We have resources to help you learn more about bequests. Click here to review sample bequest language . You will see how easy it is to include a bequest in your will or trust.

You might find it helpful to print this page and the bequest language. Please feel free to give this information to your attorney. If he or she has any questions, please contact us.

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