Gift Planning

With gift planning, you can provide long-lasting support to Geneseo while enjoying financial benefits for yourself.

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Creating Opportunities for Generations of Students

Creating Opportunities for Generations of Students

As a Geneseo student, John Merchant '70 and his family had limited resources. He says he was fortunate to receive scholarships and grants that helped him fill the financial gap. Now, as he prepares to celebrate his pandemic-delayed 50th Reunion, he is creating additional opportunities for generations of students through a bequest in his will.

John earned Bachelor of Science degrees in elementary education and biology from SUNY Geneseo. In addition to his estate gift, he has supported students through annual gifts and created an endowed scholarship in 2008.

John's generosity and vision to support Geneseo and invest in students' futures demonstrate his life-long desire to develop young adults. He was a summer camp counselor during most summers while in college. After graduating from Geneseo, his first intention was to become a teacher, but instead he joined the Air Force, serving for eight years and gaining skills in computer engineering and software development that would lead to a career in that field.

John found other ways to support young adults. He has been a leader in the Boy Scouts of America for over 40 years. "The Boy Scouts allows kids to see how valued they are and builds leadership skills," says John. He also supports youth charities, such as the Covenant House, which helps provide shelter, food, and other care to homeless youth.

John's estate gift to Geneseo is unrestricted, and will be directed where need is greatest. This offers the college maximum flexibility to address needs and opportunities that may arise in the future.


We have resources that will help you learn more about bequests. Click here to review sample bequest language . You will see how easy it is to include a bequest in your will or trust.

You might find it helpful to print this page and the bequest language. Please feel free to give this information to your attorney. If he or she has any questions, please contact us.

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