Gift Planning

With gift planning, you can provide long-lasting support to Geneseo while enjoying financial benefits for yourself.

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Sara Eigenberg '97

Sara Eigenberg '97

Sara Eigenberg '97 has arranged to leave a legacy gift to support Geneseo by naming the college as a beneficiary of her retirement account.

"I believe it's my responsibility to do what I can today to help ensure that future students have the opportunity to have the same meaningful college experience," says Sara.

Adding a nonprofit like Geneseo as a beneficiary to a retirement plan is often as easy as filling out an online form. And because retirement assets typically grow in value over the years, the impact of your philanthropy has the opportunity to grow, too.

"Geneseo made a difference in my world, and so for me, it was really important to include them in my estate plans because that's how much I value them," says Sara. "Planned giving is your chance to tell every future generation about what actually mattered to you."

"There are so many people who don't get to go to college. I hope that my bequest helps people do that and helps Geneseo continue to provide that great opportunity for people. It's critical that donors continue to support state universities," Sara says, "so that they can continue to provide a fantastic education to people who want it -- not people who can afford a huge amount of money -- but people who want to learn."

Is a beneficiary designation gift right for you?

If you own a qualified retirement plan, such as an IRA, 401(k) or 403(b) and would like to make a charitable gift, your family or your estate might benefit if you update your beneficiary designation form naming The Geneseo Foundation as a beneficiary. Beneficiary designation gifts may help your heirs avoid paying income tax on certain inherited assets and may help your estate avoid estate taxes.

If you have questions about making a beneficiary designation gift, please contact us today. We would be happy to work with you and answer any questions that you have.

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